Parabot: Africa’s robot poised to defend endangered rhinos

African Rhinos and wildlife in general can now breath a sigh on relief as Parabot moves to tackle poachers…

It stands nearly ten meters tall, weighs a tonne, and can transform into an Mbombe armored vehicle at will. The Transformers quickly comes to mind.
Although still a Proof of Concept at the moment… The Parabot however raises the prospect of a fully autonomous combat robot been made in Africa first.

According to the makers (Paramount group) Parabot stands as a symbol representing the resistance and resilience of the African people to fight back against the killing of our wildlife and heritage. It also stand as a message to the poachers that Africa would never give up on the fight.
Parabot specifications

• Height: 9.7m
• Hours to build: 600 man hours
• Built by: CFX, a famous Film Effects and Fabrication Company based in Cape Town
• Mission: Raise awareness and protect Africa’s wildlife from poaching.